Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Violence Unsilenced

In the sixty seconds this video runs, six women in the US will become victims of domestic violence. Worldwide, that number is much higher.

Violence Unsilenced: You are not alone, and you don't have to live this way.

Will you?



  1. Thank you Monica for alerting us to the magnitude of the problem. I direct a local pregnancy care center, ministering to women in crisis. I will spread the word.

    Thanks for visiting my new blog today.


  2. Monica, THANK YOU for taking the pledge too and for sharing the video. I really do believe it's such an important cause for women everywhere to get behind. You are awesome!

  3. Hi Monica,
    Thank you so much for sharing this video, Sometimes I think we have a tendency to forget about such violence especially since we don't have to deal with it. I will certainly begin to pray on a daily basis for women who are abused . Again thank you for this reminder.
    Blessings,dear friend,
