Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hurry Springtime!

dsc_04032 It is really beginning to look like Spring out there....But I'm not really fooled...I am sure one more (or many more) freeze will sneak in before Easter. But check out my pear tree. It never fails...when people see those pretty little white/slightly pink flowers...they have to smell them...even with the bee's swarming around. I try to warn them that they really don't smell good...but I guess it is just one of those things folks need to learn for them selves. haha
dsc_03941OH meet out new little friend...He or She...It comes up on the deck and right up to the back door. Well...he now has a bag of corn with his name on it...well what ever his name daughter likes 'Sparky'...I guess that is as good a name as any. He is not afraid...the dogs and the cats go up to the glass and he just stands there waiting for someone to bring him some corn. Princess Lucy really wanted to play with him this morning...well she may have wanted to eat him.
dsc_04111 Anyway...I am dying to get outside and work in the garden ...cookouts on our new deck...toastin marsh mallows around the fire pit. I am even read for the kids to be out of school....Hurry Spring!

Spring Again

Spring again
Spring again
Spring again
Isn't it?
Buds on the branches
A breeze in the blue
And me without mittens
My sweater unbuttoned
A spring full of things
All before me to do.
Author: Karla Kuskin

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with ya girl!! I really want beach weather, and it just keeps getting chilly!! I may just go even with jeans and a sweater on!!

    Love your pics of kitty and Sparky!! I would LOVE to have a pear tree, too!!

    Have a happee Friday and weekend, Monica!! Glad we met in blogland!!
